Sunday, June 13, 2010


Yesterday during a Staff meeting here at Lake Waubesa Bible Camp we talked about the five love languages. For those unfamiliar with this study (as I was before last night), the five love languages (ways in which people express or receive love) are words of affirmation, quality time, gift giving, serving, and physical touch. We talked about what expressions of love work for people with each language as well as what expressions of love do not work, or are even negative, for people with each language. I found this study to be very fascinating because it told me something about myself as well as about fellow staff members. Obviously, one person is not limited to one love language, and most of us like bits and pieces of each. However, there is usually one main love language that strikes us more than others. I feel the most loved with words of affirmation and quality time. I express love through words of affirmation and physical touch.

I feel that this study is a step in the right direction of my goal for this summer: discovering myself. Recently I've felt lost; I can't tell who I am and what defines me. This summer I hope to find myself again, so to speak. So my love language(s) is the first discovery I've made. Hopefully more to come.


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